
Sony SEL135F18GM - telephoto lens - 135 mm


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XA and Super ED elements deliver high resolution, Narrow depth of field with breathtaking G Master bokeh, Dual front and rear XD linear motors achieve fast, precise, quiet AF, Floating focus mechanism for improved close-up capability, Superior imaging plus mobility, operability, and reliability,
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XA and Super ED elements deliver high resolution, Narrow depth of field with breathtaking G Master bokeh, Dual front and rear XD linear motors achieve fast, precise, quiet AF, Floating focus mechanism for improved close-up capability, Superior imaging plus mobility, operability, and reliability,

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Unsparing application of Sony's most advanced optical technologies has produced a large-aperture prime telephoto lens that delivers outstanding corner-to-corner resolution even at F1.8, plus exquisite bokeh that is a hallmark of the G Master series.